复制代码 代码如下:
$arr = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 50000; $i++){
$arr[] = $i*rand(1000,9999);
function GetRunTime()
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec+(float)$sec);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++){
$str = $arr[$i];
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of for:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
unset($str, $time_start, $time_end, $time_used);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
while(list($key, $val) = each($arr)){
$str = $val;
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of while:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
unset($str, $key, $val, $time_start, $time_end, $time_used);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$str = $val;
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of foreach:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
复制代码 代码如下:
$arr = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 50000; $i++){
$arr[] = $i*rand(1000,9999);
function GetRunTime()
list($usec,$sec)=explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec+(float)$sec);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++){
$str = $arr[$i];
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of for:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
unset($str, $time_start, $time_end, $time_used);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
while(list($key, $val) = each($arr)){
$str = $val;
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of while:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
unset($str, $key, $val, $time_start, $time_end, $time_used);
$time_start = GetRunTime();
foreach($arr as $key => $val){
$str = $val;
$time_end = GetRunTime();
$time_used = $time_end - $time_start;
echo 'Used time of foreach:'.round($time_used, 7).'(s)<br /><br />';
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3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。